7KPP Wikia

How to gain their approval[]

Week 1[]

Character creation[]

Creating a Pirate!MC, +++++ Approval


  • Musicale - Perfect hosting , + Approval

The Summit Introduction[]

  • Public Ambition - Serve my nation as a Pirate!MC , + Approval
  • Public Ambition - Further relationship with other nations as a Pirate!MC , + Approval
  • Public Ambition - Katyia Footsteps , + Approval
  • Perfect success , +++ Approval
  • Great success , ++ Approval
  • Success , + Approval
  • Failure , + Approval

Week 2[]

  • Horse Ride , MC Saves herself , perfect success , ++ Approval
  • Horse Ride , MC Saves herself , perfect success , + Approval
  • Ship Race , MC's own team won, +++++++ Approval , another + approval no matter if Hamin is in the team or not
  • Ship Race, MC's own team was last , -- Approval
  • Ship Race, MC is in Hamin's team, ++ Approval

Week 3[]

Matchmaker Interview[]

  • Perfect success ++ Approval , another ++ Approval as a Pirate!MC
  • Great Success + Approval , another + Approval as a Pirate!MC


  • Midnight Picnic - Perfect Hosting , ++++ Approval
  • Midnight Picnic - Talented Hosting , +++ Approval
  • Midnight Picnic - Skilled Hosting , ++ Approval
  • Midnight Picnic - Above average Hosting , ++ Approval
  • Midnight Picnic - Average Hosting , + Approval
  • Girls night - Perfect Hosting + Approval
  • Girls Night - Great Hosting + Approval

Diplomatic Tensions[]

Hise v Corval[]

MC learned today about the true situation between Hise and Corval. Hise, the nation of pirates, has made wealthy Corval's trading ships their favorite target. The Emperor is furious, and is on the verge of declaring war, determined to end the pirate threat- for good.

Other Pages[]

Other Pages
ArticlesCharacters - Challenges - Gameplay- Events  - Letters  - MC - Paths - POV Stories - Script List -​​​ Walkthrough - Week