7KPP Wikia



Skills tab

Found on the left side of the skills tab. 

  1. Charm - base stat
  2. Eloquence - base stat, background bonus stat
  3. Beauty - base stat
  4. Leadership - base stat
  5. Self defense - gated background stat
  6. Charisma - base stat, background bonus stat
  7. Manipulation
  8. Courage - base stat, gated background stat
  9. Intelligence - base stat, gated background stat
  10. Etiquette - base stat, gated background stat
  11. Grace - base stat
  12. Poise - base stat
  13. Cunning - base stat, background bonus stat
  14. Insight

Cumulative Skills[]

Found on the right side of the skills tab. 

  1. Persuasion
  2. Likability
  3. Quick wittedness
  4. Defensive instincts
  5. Interpersonal insight
  6. Book smarts


Have their own separate tab. 

  1. History
  2. Politics
  3. Street smarts
  4. Warfare
  5. Practical
  6. Academic
  7. People
  8. Flora & fauna
  9. Secrets

Other Pages[]

Other Pages
ArticlesCharacters - Challenges - Gameplay- Events  - Letters  - MC - Paths - POV Stories - Script List -​​​ Walkthrough - Week

All items (30)
